Himesh, a student of grade 5, is one of the brightest pupils of Bright Sparks School. He was admitted in 2019 and his journey of transformation from a child with a timid personality to being agile and full of energy began then.
He has tremendously improved in his studies and despite being ill during the test period he was able to secure 3rd position in his class. Also, his continuous efforts to improve his command of English language makes him stand out in the crowd.
Himesh lives with his mother and 2 brothers; one is the elder (Y8) and the other one is younger (Y2). His parents, though not legally separated, live at different places. His mother, a labourer, is the sole earner of the family and manages all the finances of the house. Even after facing these challenges this child has never stopped dreaming.
When asked about his aspirations, he replied, “I want to become a police officer”. He considers education as the only tool which can bring him and his family out of a vicious cycle of poverty. His mother is also particular about the Parent Teacher Meetings that takes place in the school and visits the school whenever called for. She is very thankful to all the trustees for their tremendous efforts which they are making to bring in some valuable changes in their life.
From the quarterly Headteacher’s report June 2023.