As we mark International Women’s Day, let us celebrate a wonderful woman… one who is the most constant supporter of Bright Sparks School in India. Mrs Banka has been friend, Guardian Angel, adviser and benefactor to many generations of Bright Sparks children. She is a regular presence at the school, bringing treats on Feast Days and organising special trips for the students to extend their knowledge of the world.
She regularly steps in to fund necessary bills such as new jumpers, school books, computers and furniture. She keeps a watchful eye on the social, health and educational needs of students and is a wise sounding-board for the teachers too. Ex-students know her well, and she has helped many of them with their expenses going through secondary school and on into college and university. Ever practical and never sentimental, she often turns up with machinery, plants or tools for the garden, always exquisitely dressed. The work she does is essential to the success of Bright Sparks students, and yet it is all done quietly, voluntarily and without fanfare. (That is, until now…)
Mrs Banka – we salute you! Thank you for being the kind of Friend one turns to in a crisis. And one who does so many small acts of kindness, they are in danger of being taken for granted. Thank you for standing up for the disenfranchised children of Bright Sparks so consistently and in so many ways. On this, National Womens’ day – you are our very own ‘Wonder woman’, and we applaud you.